Page 124 - BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Indian Brands 2015
P. 124

Part4 | TheIndiaTop50-BrandZTMAnalysis
BrandZTM Analysis: RepZ
Indians lead global
in brand and
corporate reputation
RepZ is a BrandZTM measurement of brand
and corporate reputation, intangible assets that are especially critical today when consumer distrust of brands and large institutions is high and negative opinions travel quickly on social media.
Corporate reputation results from consumer perceptions of current and past performance. RepZ divides these perceptions into four components: success (strong financial results), fairness (good pricing and practices), responsibility (positive engagement with employees and society) and trust (reliably delivers on promises).
The BrandZTM India Top 50 outscored the Global Top 50 on the total RepZ score, 112 to 108, and the brands
in India led in three of the four components of RepZ. The exception is success, where India’s score of 114 almost matches the 116 global score.
Brands based in a market tend to
score higher than global brands in responsibility and trust scores because they’re seen as more engaged with local communities. In addition, trust in brands is higher in India than in many other countries for several reasons.
The proliferation of brands is a relatively new phenomenon in India. Brands fascinate Indian consumers, who remain optimistic rather than cynical. The consumer distrust of banks that followed the financial crisis is not a factor in India because Indian banks escaped the crisis relatively unscathed.
The India Top 50 brands enjoy an important competitive advantage because of their strong RepZ scores. Brands in India can further enhance the scores by increasing the success component of RepZ, which depends on consistently strong financial performance. However, as brands in India advance their financial goals they need to keep putting the customer’s interests first, and not succumb to practices that eroded the reputations of some brands in the West and China.

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